Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Gears of War 2 and Gamefly!

First of all, to all the uninformed out there, this is not a game for the weak at heart. You've got blood, gore, guns and bullets! And not necessarily in that order! But if you want a game that just does all of this stuff right, then Gears of War 2 is for you! And now with that out of the way, let's get to the nitty-gritty!

To everyone that played the first Gears, you will love this one even more! The game has even better graphics than the first! It has more guns than the first one! About the only thing that the game does not have is a G-rating! If you have a weak stomach and cannot stand the sight of blood, then this is not the game for you! There are more guns, the enemies are smarter and more options in the game!

The online component of the game is even better with the addition of the "Horde"! What is the Horde you say? The horde is a game in which you and your buddies have to fight off a "Horde" of locust, starting at level 1! I don't know how far the levels go up to, but I've gotten to level 22 with the help of some friends! This new addition to the online component of the game makes the game so much better because the Locust horde keep coming and you keep on firing!

There are various new weapons and old favorites from the first Gears! Now you can saw your enemies from the bottom up! Yeeech! Like I said before, real bloody! But if you decide that you don't want to go online then you will be more than satisfied with the offline story mode! The game hints around at the origins of the war and how the main character, Marcus Fenix's father is involved.

If i had to give this game a rating I would give it a 10 out of 10! Because it does what it does very well and you will not be disappointed! Matter of fact, I rented the game from Gamefly back in the beginning of December and I haven't returned it yet, I will most likely buy it and keep it! Right now at it says I can buy the game for $47.99! Great price for a practically brand new game! go to Gamefly now and check out their long list of games that you can rent AND buy at reduced prices! Check it out!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Games That I Have Rented From Gamefly!

Just to let you guys know that Gamefly is no fluke, or that it sounds to good to be true...I will let you guys know about the games I have rented. From the outset I will let you know that once I put these games in my GameQ, it only took two days for the game to get to my house.

What is a GameQ you might ask? Once you become a member of Gamefly, your GameQ is your personal list of video games that you want to rent! You can have up to 50 games in your Q! I don't know about you but that's a lot of games! My gameQ had "Gears Of War", "Mortal Combat vs. DC Universe" and Ninja Gaiden II in it. "Ninja Gaiden" you say?! Yes "Ninja Gaiden"! Yes you can rent old games from Gamefly, and as I mentioned before...NO LATE FEES!!!

The cool thing about Gamefly is that you will also be able to buy the games that you rent at a discount rate later on if you decide to keep it.As of this writing I checked and I can buy "Gears Of War" for $47.99 and I can buy "Ninja Gaiden" for $14.99! With Free Shipping!! That might not seem like a bunch of savings to you, but to me it sounds better than the buy it, play it, trade it in for pennies and then have the video game stores sale it for twice what you traded it in for cycle I have been in for the last 10 years!

Gamefly is not for everyone. I will say that truthfully. Some people will be turned off by the amount of time it takes for the games to arrive at your house. I can respect that. Some people might not like the fact that you can only rent two games at a time when you first join! Well how many games can you play at one time!? Me I can only play one, so two games at a time is a bonus for me. The people that don't like to wait for their games will undoubtedly not like waiting for their games. The people like me who have a very busy life and play video games when they have some free time will enjoy it.

Anyway I will update this blog with reviews of the games I have personally rented from Gamefly just to let you guys out there know that this is not a scam! If you don't want to wait for my reviews then got to Gamefly now! Click Here!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Gamefly Is The Best Place For Online Videogames!

With the economy the way that it is, people losing jobs, getting laid off and companies getting bailed out. What's the video game junkie to do? I'm talking about the video game junkie that wants to play all the latest games but can't afford to buy them! To the uninformed video game junkie out there, I give you GameFly!

What is GameFly you might ask? GameFly is the leading online video game rental service! Online video game rental? Yes, online video game rental! This service is an invaluable tool for all of you broke video game junkies out there! With this service, you can rent up to two games per month, (in the beginning of the service, you'll be able to rent more at a later date.) for a very respectable $22.95 a month!

The games you rent will be rented from your GameQ. Your GameQ is the section of the website that you set up once you become a member. With this GameQ, you list the games that you would like to play. You can list up to 50 games in your GameQ. And depending on the order that you have the games in, thats the order that you will recieve the games via first class mail. On top of all that, you will recieve games that are in prestine condition! I'm talking about brand new condition!

In addition to renting every video game for every system out there, you can also buy those same games at reduced prices! There is a huge list of games that are available to buy and you can also buy the same games that you have rented with GameFly's "Keep It" program! With "Keep It", you just click on the button and pay for your game at a reduced price! We're talking 10 to 20% off of newly released games! I don't know about you but this is an attractive alternative to the buy-it, play-it, take it back ang get pennys for it cycle that i have personally been through with the retail outlets. Do yourself a favor and join GameFly today! You won't regret it!

P.S. For joining today you will recieve a 10-day free trial! You can't beat that! Join GameFly today!